
The Virtual Table

As if busy lives and hectic work schedules weren’t enough to force us to eat isolation, now there’s COVID-19.

Given we’re experiencing a pandemic, why is an increased incidence of eating in isolation of concern or relevance right now?

Aside from numerous nutritional benefits, research suggests that social, or communal eating, increases our feelings of well-being, our sense of happiness, and integration within our community. And the more often we eat with others, the more likely we are to feel satisfied with our lives. Moreover, people who eat socially are more likely to feel better about themselves and have a wider interpersonal network capable of providing social and emotional support. And it is now, when fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and isolation are widespread, this social and emotional support is of utmost value.

So, think about how you are spending your mealtimes, and consider sharing your table virtually with others, protecting, strengthening, and spreading friendship and the sense of community that existed before anyone had heard the term “social distancing”. You will benefit. Your family will benefit. Your community will benefit. Now and long after COVID-19 is history.

Given you can’t physically meet up with friends and colleagues, at least for now, why not throw a virtual dinner party? How about a virtual coffee date? Or a virtual dessert party? Wine tasting anyone? For all you parents “home-schooling” your kids right now, why not connect your kids via a virtual lunch over the noon hour? All it takes is willingness and technology such as Zoom, FaceTime, or any other similar app to virtually connect us!

Well, I’ve got to go. I’m hosting a virtual dinner gathering this evening! Please share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas for sharing your table virtually. Thank you!

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