
Boost Your Mood through Kindness

 “I did NOT want to get out of bed today.” “I can’t get motivated.” “I’m in a rut.” “I just want to stay inside and do nothing this weekend.” These are all words I’ve heard from friends, colleagues, and acquaintances, and ones I find myself occasionally uttering. This inspired me to write about food and mood this week, but as I further pondered the idea, I decided to focus this post primarily on the “soul” and “mind” and save the “food” part of this equation for another day.

Sometimes, when we’re feeling down, lonely, or stuck in a rut we can minimize or even reverse those feelings by focusing our attention outward while also giving ourselves some TLC. That said, I thought I would challenge myself and those of you interested in joining me to complete one focused, purposeful act of kindness toward others or ourselves each day over a 30-day period and then gauge how this behavior makes us feel daily as well as over an extended period of time.

Below is the 30-Day “Acts of Kindness Challenge” from Food Soul Mind Body that I will be taking. Each day, for the next 30 days, I will complete the act of kindness scheduled for that day and note my observations and any impact it had on me, my feelings, and my mood. Some days, the act of kindness will be focused on me, because I know if I’m not liking, appreciating, or taking care of myself, I’m likely not projecting positive energy and am less capable of being a source of joy, support, and inspiration to those around me. Other days, the act will be focused outward, with the goal of contributing to the lives of others and my community. I’ll periodically update you along the way to let you know how it’s going and any impact it’s had on me.


I invite you to join me in this challenge and share the impact you see along the way! Even if you find some of these acts silly, you’re already doing a few of them, or you miss a day or two, please don’t stop. Just keep moving forward! I’ll be right there with you. 😊

Okay! Let’s get started!

Day 1 – Find at least five opportunities to say, “Thank you”.

  • When you focus on the good rather than the bad behaviors of others, you really won’t have to look that hard!

Day 2- Text three people that you know with a kind greeting or message.

  • Chances are, you’ll get three of the same in return!

Day 3 – Pick up at least one piece of trash you see on the sidewalk or anyplace outdoors and place it in a garbage receptacle.

  • You might unknowingly motivate someone observing you to do the same.

Day 4 – Try a new healthy food today and share a picture of it. Of course, try to pick something you think you might actually enjoy 😊

  • You’ve just added choice and variety to your diet!

Day 5 – Invite a friend, co-worker, or relative to coffee or lunch…your treat! You might have to schedule it for another day, but extend the invitation today!

  • Sincere thoughtfulness and generosity often impact others more than we realize.

Day 6 – Say, “Good morning!” and smile at 5 or more people you pass on the street, in a parking lot, at the grocery store, or walking into work or school. If no one returns your act of kindness, try another 5 people.

  • It’s really pretty amazing to see in stranger’s eyes how an act this simple actually brightened their day.

Day 7 – Stop and reflect on 5 of your happiest memories and identify what it was that made each experience so happy.

  • Are there elements of those past experiences that can be recreated in new experiences?

Day 8 – Whether it’s $5 or $50, a box of school supplies, food, or a new warm jacket, donate to a charity.

  • Funny, the satisfaction you feel from this act of kindness may actually be more meaningful to you than to the recipient. It will likely be a driver for you to repeat this action over and over.

Day 9 – Send a handwritten letter or card to someone who you believe is feeling lonely.

  • Imagine the initial curiosity that individual will feel when your envelope emerges from the day’s pile of junk mail and bills, the joy they’ll experience when they open it and see your personalized message, and the connection created when they read your thoughtful words.

Day 10 – Sit down at a table to eat your meal, take small bites, chew slowly, and put your fork or spoon down between bites.

  • You’ll eat less and enjoy more.

Day 11 – Post a positive review of a business that provided you with exceptional service.

  • It may be easier to find time and motivation to write a negative review when you’ve been done wrong, but how much more fulfilling is it to recognize, reward, and encourage the good acts of others?

Day 12 – Allow someone “who doesn’t deserve it” to go ahead of you, whether it’s while you’re sitting in rush hour traffic, boarding the train, squeezing into an elevator, or waiting to order takeout.

  • Sure, that individual may seem really rude, but you never know, they could be late for an interview, late to pick up a child from daycare, or pre-occupied with something stressful, sad, or even tragic that has occurred in their life today.

Day 13 – When you ask, “How are you?”, look at the person you’ve asked, listen to their reply, and respond.

  • I know, crazy expectation, isn’t it?

Day 14 – Read a positive or uplifting news story all the way through.

  • Do you feel less angry, hopeless, or disgusted than you would had your read a negative, worthless political or celebrity story whose primary intent is to stir criticism, anger, or discord?

Day 15 – Set your alarm to wake you up with a pleasant sound. Could be the relaxing flow of soft jazz music, the funny sounds of chickens clucking, or a heartwarming recording of your child or significant other saying, “Good morning!”. Be creative!

  •  This may actually kickstart a happy mood from the moment you begin your day.

Day 16 – Compliment someone on a job well done. If they’re comfortable with it, share it on social media.

  • You’ll be rewarding and thus encouraging fervent effort and peak performance.

Day 17 – Inconvenience yourself to help someone.

  • This demonstrates you sincerely care, and your assistance will be that much more meaningful to the individual you’ve helped, further motivating them to “pay it forward”.

Day 18 – Write down at least three of your best personality traits. Bonus: Exhibit each of them at least once throughout the day.

  • Being you really does have an impact on those around you.

Day 19 – Surprise someone with flowers today. It might be a simple, hand-delivered bouquet from the grocery store, or an elaborate arrangement sent to the recipient’s home or office.

  • Fresh flowers inevitably create smiles and spread joy and beauty.

Day 20- Look in the mirror and verbalize three things you like about your body/looks.

  • It’s amazing how much more positive, confident, and even grateful you’ll feel walking out the door today.

Day 21 – Listen to, acknowledge, and respect someone who’s opinion is the opposite of yours.

  • You just might learn something!

Day 22 – Wear your best or favorite underwear today.

  • Yes, no matter how silly it may feel, actually stop, think about it, put them on, and feel good about something that may, on the surface seem very trivial, but “underneath it all” feels really good!

Day 23 – Think of someone you admire or respect and let them know.

  • This can boost their self-confidence and encourage them to continue demonstrating the positive traits and behaviors that earned your admiration and respect.

Day 24 – Give someone else the last bite, the biggest piece, the newest one, or the nicest one.

  • They’ll be more likely to exhibit the same kindness the next time they have the opportunity.

Day 25 – Pause, close your eyes, and take 10 slow, deep breaths morning, noon, and night.

  • This simple exercise can go a long way in clearing your head and calming your emotions…if you let it!

Day 26 – Take or find a picture of something you find beautiful and share it.

  • You may feel the world is an ugly place, but when you look around, you’ll notice there really is far more beauty than ugliness.

Day 27 – Give someone a hug or hold their hand.

  • Research shows that human touch produces a sense of safety and trust. What a valuable gift you can give to someone today!

Day 28 – Pick up a small, luxurious treat and take time to slowly and purposefully savor it.

  • Taking time to actually enjoy a special treat makes the experience even more special and memorable.

Day 29 – Do something you’ve been putting off until (fill in the blank).

  • Give yourself that chance to feel a sense of accomplishment today!

Day 30 – Commit to continuing being kind to yourself and spreading kindness outward!

  • Keep discovering a happier, more satisfied you 😊

EXTRA CREDIT: Share in the comments of this post on https://www.facebook.com/foodsoulmindbody/, how your kind acts of the past 30 days have impacted you!

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