
Prioritizing What Really Matters

Is that a Christmas tree in February? Up in my house? Indeed, it is! Standing tall and proud! You may be thinking, “Tall, perhaps. But, proud? C’mon. Aren’t you embarrassed to admit your tree is still up?”

The answer is, “No. I am not embarrassed.”

And, here is why…

Taking down my Christmas tree is not a priori-tree. Oops! I mean priority right now, but these things are: calling and writing to friends and family, broadening my skill set and knowledge base, experimenting with my daughter in the kitchen, and launching Food Soul Mind Body. Acting on each of these priorities has brought much more value to me and to others than taking down my Christmas tree would have brought. Ha! Most of you wouldn’t even know I haven’t taken down my tree if I hadn’t told you!

So, enough about me!

Are You Missing Out?

Do you ever find yourself saying, “I don’t have time to…”



Write my resume

Read a book


Listen to my child read aloud?

Learn to cook

Play a game

Send a card

Clean my closets


Call a friend (or simply TEXT a friend for that matter!)?

Start to network

Learn a language

Take a writing course

Hang with friends


Plan a special date with my partner?


Wait for it…

Maybe just sleep?


How much of your life do you spend “going through the motions”, just “trying to survive”, doing the things you “have to do” only to find you’re neglecting the things that mean the most to you, the things that bring you some of the greatest pleasure in life, the things that really matter? How much of this behavior is absolutely unavoidable and how much of it is – just maybe – self-imposed? Well, let’s find out and then do something about it!


This week I encourage you to take time – even if it’s just a few minutes – to reflect on what you believe are your priorities. Then, consider which of those priorities you’re truly giving VIP (Very Important Priority) status and those you’re pushing to the back of the house. Ask yourself what’s different about the ones you’re pushing aside.

  • Are you too busy trying to meet others’ expectations? If so,  what value is derived from meeting those expectations versus acting on what you claim is a priority?
  • Do you lack confidence in your ability to perform?
  • Are you fearful of the possible outcome?
  • Are you procrastinating because the action you need to take is not fun or perhaps enjoyable in and of itself?
  • May sound like a crazy question but, are these really priorities?
  • Will acting on them improve how you feel about yourself, others, and life in general? Will this action really impact your quality of life or the lives of others? If not, consider letting these “priorities” go. Just cross them off your list of things you need to do or should do, and free yourself of them! Why keep carrying that unnecessary burden?


Now, for those that are truly priorities, pick one and identify what is preventing you from doing that “thing”. What can you do this week to remove or at least begin removing those obstacles and act on this priority? Imagine how you will feel once you take action. Yes, really stop and imagine it😊 Then, allow yourself to realize that feeling by taking action! I have no doubt you are going to feel a sense of liberation when you do!

So, back to my tree…

I think it’s pretty. I find it relaxing to sit in the dark room late at night when everyone has gone to bed and the soft lights of the tree are glowing. Why should it matter if it’s December or February? Well, I do like decorating for holidays other than Christmas (Aha! A priority), so the tree is going to have to make its way back out to the garage soon to make room for the new decorations, the priority.

But, in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy the tree. I’m not going to feel guilty, lazy, or whatever else I might believe others may label me. In reality, it’s likely me and a few haters that are judging me. The people who I respect and who love me, will sit right next to me and enjoy that tree while it’s still standing tall AND proud!

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